
Health & Safety Services

Our philosophy:

We have the fundamental belief that safety incidents are preventable. It is this belief that drives us to motivate and teach individuals to become a productive part of an effective and well maintained safety culture. By its nature, a safety culture encompasses all aspects of our lives with careful thinking and action part of home, work and public functioning. A properly motivated and trained individual will realize his or her ethical responsibility to think and operate safely as part of a team that is likewise responsible for its individuals. It is both the belief in and the practice of this responsibility that establishes a foundation for an effective safety culture with full commitment to continual reinvestment in training and improvements. When organizations reach for their full potential in gaining the best knowledge, skills, technology, tools, and talent they desire, they can realized the benefits of an effective health and safety culture that fuels itself to new unimaginable heights. We strive to lead organizations with its teams and individuals to understanding this and that safety training, investment, and improvements pay back in exponential ways over time and creates a momentum that drives success. Corporate Safety Program Development, Review, and Updating:
  • Contractor Health and Safety Program
  • Employee Safety Incentive Programs
  • Injury and Illness Prevention Programs
  • VPP Star – audits, implementation, application, and maintenance
  • Safety Committees
Compliance Program Development, Review, and Updating:
  • Asbestos Operations and Maintenance
  • Back Safety
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Compressed Gasses
  • Confined Spaces
  • Electrical
  • Emergency Action
  • Ergonomics
  • Fall Protection
  • Fire Prevention
  • Hazard Communication
  • Lockout/ Tag Out
  • Machine Guarding
  • MSDS
  • Noise Exposure
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Powered Industrial Trucks
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Scaffold Safety
  • Welding, Cutting, and Brazing

Industrial Hygiene

Our philosophy:

Our industrial hygiene services are based upon state-of-the-art science and accepted principles and practices for the collection, detection, identification, calculation, and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data. Using this data we will assist our clients in the development and implementation of procedures and practices that will identify and control work place exposure hazards thereby reducing occurrences of work related illness and injury. All industrial hygiene services are coordinated by and/ or performed by a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). Performance of industrial hygiene services including: